Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bahasa Sarawak Mensia : Bahasa Sarawak Lama - Sarawak Classic Malay II

Intro | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Part 4 | Part 5  | Part 6 
(roll over image below for its description)

bubu ikan, fish trap
Bubu, a fishing trap
...continuation of my previous long page blog. I have to break the page which, I have not finished just yet. Enjoy.
I will be doing it in 3 languages, Bahasa Sarawak, Bahasa Malaysia and English ** it is not yet refined in any terms or category nor arranged in an alphabetical order as it is a work in progress

**make known that there are many words that are spelled with 'k' at the end and any word with the " ' " is with a silent 'k' in pronunciation, with an abrupt stop to the word. Any word without  the " ' " please emphasize on the "k" sound.
Also referred to as a glottal stop. A very important info given to me by Suhaila Saee:) thanks Su:)

Below are samples of why the glottal stop is important to each word spelled and used correctly.

sa' ja' (sak jak) : walaupun - even though
sak ati : sakit ati - annoyed

the word '
sak' here is spelled the same but with a different pronounciation and meaning. the use of " ' " is very important to denote that each is different.
before I begin, tips with pronunciation in Sarawak Malay:
a = ä as in Father
e = e as in Term
é = é as in Let
i = ee as in Bee
o = o as in No , Toe
u = u as in Took, Put
ei,ey, ay = as in Day, Pay,

ng = word begins with 'ng' as in thing
ny = word begins with 'ny' as in banyak [banyak means more in English]

reference for ny from:
Retroflex nasal  / rujukan untuk ny dari: Sengauan lelangit

**In Sarawak dialect, the way you pronounces words with 'R' are also different. Emphasis on the 'R' are as if there are 2 'r's with an 'h' = 'rrh' , not rolling end of your tongue but using the back of your throat. Guttural Sound.

tercacak : terpacak - upright

tercugat-cugat : berdiri terpacak dan tegak, lama dalam keaadaan tidak bergerak dan tidak berbunyi, seperti tugu dalam menantikan seseorang - in a still position for a long time, quietly and not moving in a waiting position

tugu' / tertugu'-tugu' (tuguk / tertuguk-tuguk) :
berdiri terpacak atau tegak lama dalam keaadaan tidak bergerak, seperti tunggul kayu - in a still position for a long time, not moving , like a stump (this word can also be applied & refered to a person)

contoh ayat - eg sentence:

tercugat-cugat (tugu'-tugu') jak nya nunggu di siya dari pagi tadik. sik bergerak lansung! apa nak dipolah nya siya kah?

terpacak macam tugu saja menunggu dari pagi tadi. tak bergerak langsung. Apa yang hendak dibuat nya disana?

he has been waiting standing still like a stump since this morning. motionless . what is he doing there?
contoh ayat 2 - eg sentence 2: in this context it is used when someone is pissed off and will say these
Tuguk juak kau tok
Betul tunggul lah kamu ni?
You're really ignorant aren't you?
Uga' (Ugak) adalah akar umbi, tugu' (tuguk) adalah bahagian akar yang tak habis dipotong.

Uga' (Ugak)  is the big base, tugu' (tuguk) is the upper part of the root that was not being cut off completely.

Uga' (Ugak)  : akar - the root/base of a root (this word can also be applied & referred to a person)
contoh ayat - eg sentence:

ambik kau dari ugak kayu nya pun ya
kau ambil dari akar batang kayu itu sendiri
you have to get the actual root of the tree
kerat : potong - cut ( hmmm..sounds like cut, carat)
jungka/jungkar/jabér (jaber):
tempat mandi atau membasuh diluar dan terbuka serta dapur basah - open air washroom cum wet kitchen
serambi' (serambik) :
tempat atau bilik berkumpul - a meeting room or place
berjong-jong: telanjang bulat - bare naked
lemur/gemok merimo:
gemuk - fat as in overweight
juru' (juruk): air kotor dalam parit - dirty drain or outlet/muddy dirty water
lebor/ lebor laor: basah/basah kuyup - wet/soaking wet/drenched
kepas kepus: mengeluarkan asap rokok dengan banyak dan selalu - puffing out smoke frequently when smoking
abu - ashes
buru - get rid
sa' ja' (sak jak):
walaupun - even though
telok : bilik - room/nook

podar/pupor :
bedak - powder
(from the English word 'powder')
kejeron/sekoh :
terhegeh-hegeh/bergegas - swagger/ in a rush/hurry/exuberant
org semandin :
makhluk halus - entity
alar : lenguh - exhausted
"alar rasa betis kaki ku ko.. lekak(leka') ku bepunggah rumah tadik(tadi')"

'lenguh rasa bahagian betis kaki ni, selepas memunggah barang dirumah tadi'

my legs are exhausted .. after clearing the house earlier today.

Above sentences was sent to me by Amla Kamal
asa' (asak) ati : suka hati, gembira - excited, happy
suk /rindo' (rindok) : suka - happy
nyelepat :
mengambil kesempatan (masa)- take advantage of (time)
gulu'(guluk)/kaco :
kacau/ sentuhan lembut pada benda yang membuatkan nya roboh atau jatuh - disturb/ bother/nudge/touching lightly of something that makes it tumbles
ségok (segok) : kacau - bother
terbiut :
bibir yang senget sebab tidak puas hati - slanted mouth unhappy
éot (ngereot/ngereyot) : menahan kemarahan - grinding one's teeth in anger
bego :
dimarahi - scolded
anton :
lambat - slow
marah - angry
lénok (lena) : leka - mesmerised /facinated
layap : terpesona - captivate
léka :
leka, lambat - dreaming, daze/slow
perabun : kayu berasap - smoked wood
runggut :
menarik sekumpulan rambut - grabbing and pulling a bunch of hair
rintak/merintak/dirintak : ragut/meragut/diragut
- take, snatch or pull/taking,snatching or pulling/ took, snatched or pulled with full force
berbayoh : memuja - worship
tunggah/nunggah : panggil - to call
leput :
pengsan - faint
jako' (jakok) : bercakap dlm bahasa  - to talk in a language
kelakar :
bercakap - talk, talking
jerobéh (jerobeh) : bercakap dengan petahnya - very fluent
cerdit :
cerdik - brilliant

mudi' (mudik) :
pergi - to go
udi' (udik) : lagi - again
napu' (napuk), tapu' (tapuk) :
simpan/letak - to stuff/ to put
nepu' (nepuk) /madat :
mengisi dengan banyak nya/ padat - to stuff/stuffing
napok / bertapok :
sembunyi/bersembunyi - hide/to hide
ngencang/bantei :
bantai - to do things/eat eagerly (from the English word 'banter?')
majoh/medal/bedal :
makan/makan serta menyumbat mulut dengan penuh sekali - eat/ eat greedily
: makan sedikit untuk menahan perut lapar - eating in small portion to surpress hunger
: sedikit - a little bit
mekal :
separuh masak - half ripe

tekoyong :
siput - snail
manok :
ayam - chicken
ér (cekeler) : kelkatu - termite
ensiar/sesar : udang kecil - baby shrimp

gostan : undur - from English word, go astern
mangsang : bergerak kehadapan- go forward
séndéng (sendeng) : miring - tilt
begaru' (begaruk) / garu' (garuk) : bergaru/garu - to scratch/scratch
rah : dekat arah - at
padu nya gia : macam tu ke - is it like that, really?
ginei :
macam mana - how
ginei gaya gia :
macam mana gaya nya ni - how can that be
gia : macam tu - like that
berkayoh :
kayuh - to row
kakya : selepas tu - after that
berimpit :
berhimpit - squeezing together
tarit : tarik - pull
jait :
jahit - sew
jai' (jaik) : hodoh, buruk (perangai) - ugly, bad (behavior)
bait : baik - good ( as in good behavior)
bait : baik - heal, fine
rampak: peramah - friendly
penjan : tingkap - window
somét (somet) : misai - mustache
sekoh : berlagak/cakap besar - arrogant
kediri' (kedirik) :
sendiri - by oneself
baru' ja' (baruk jak) : baru saja - just
é' (sigék) / sebuti' (sebutik) /sebutir : satu /sebuah - one (count)
talipaun/talipon : telefon - telephone
keméh (kemeh) : kencing - pee
bau tengik dr air kencing - odor produced by pee
mortar : alas plastik atau getah utk tilam(utk mengelak bocor budak kecik kencing) - a plastic used as a layer to prevent leak
cerida' (ceridak) : pengotor - messy
méhér/kemai' (meher/ kemaik /kemayik /kemayeek) : kotor - mess/dirty
keehak :
digunakan untuk mengatakan yang seseorang itu tidak mempunyai gaya - an expression to one bad fashion sense
bau lansang : bau yang tak menyenangkan - uneasy ordor
muyas/monyeng :
comot - messy
merinsa' (merinsak):
keadaan yang tidak terurus - haggard/a mess (describing a person appearance)
terkurok: tengkorak - skull
tekok pala' (palak):
ketuk kepala - hit on the head
ponan :
kempunan - yearn
mata ngeriji' (ngerijik) : mata bergerak - twitching eyes
nyerudu' (nyeruduk) : jatuh tersungkup - falling face first
selak/nyelak :
sakat/kacau - kid as in kidding
colop :
berhenti seketika - time out

contoh ayat - eg sentence:
sikit gik ku nak nyeruduk
- sedikit tadi nak jatuh tersungkup
- I almost fall on face first

suka nak nyelak
- suka nak kacau
- love to kidd

tuyuk ko ya
- bodoh sangat kamu ni
- you're really dumb

ku colop lok?
- berhenti kejap?
- I need to do a time out

(perkataan yangs elalu disebut budak-budak bersama kawan apabila bermain
- regularly used by kids when they played among their friends)

Above sentences was sent to me by Surie Hussein
ngégéh (ngegeh) : menunjuk-nunjuk - show off
loba : tamak haloba - greedy
mengada-ngada - show off
bujat :
mengada-ngada - annoying
tua ija : budak berfikiran dan begaya seperti orang dewasa - a kid who acts and thinks like an adult
lawa : sombong - arrogant
ingga : benci/getik/mengada - disgust
gago :
sibuk/menyampuk - busy / busybody
isém (isem) : tidak betul di fikiran - not sane
éwél/gila (sewel) : gila - screwy/crazy
nisot/ngisot :
gila - crazy
sekalor : otak yang tak betul - nutty/crazy
ét (poret) : suka masuk campur hal orang - busy body
ét/konjét/lanji (kenjet/konjet) : gatal merenyam - cheeky
keji'ih :
gedik - ?
radak/rajok/arowk :
menikam dengan benda yang tajam- stab/shove
ngerina :
sakit hati - pissed off
merimpa' (merimpak): dalam keaddan sengsara - in a pitiful state/condition
éh (pateh) : jadi kebiasaan - becoming of a habit
(pe'el) : tabiat - habit (*might have been derived for the word 'feel' in English)
kelak :
kemudian nanti - later on
biyuk(biyu') :
membimbangkan - worrisome
énda'nya (nendaknya) /néi endaknya (nei endaknya) : sebab it lah - that's why
sik ku pian/ sik pian : tak ada masa ku nak melayan/tak ada masa nak melayan - I do not have time to bother/ don't bother
bertingah :
mencungkil gigi menggunakan pencunkil gigi - picking ones teeth with a toothpick
duwei!/duwéh! (duwei!/duweh!) : amboi! - oh my! an experssion used when its questionable, used at a beggining of a sentence when you are surprise of an event or a conversation/thought
duna'! (dunak!) :
alamak! - oh my!
charlie : jenaka/kelakar - funny (must have been associated with Charlie Chaplin? hmmm?)
kuang-kuit :
ulang -alik - back and forth
merayi' (meraik) :
membazir - wasteful/wasting
si' terkab
ér (sik terkaber) : tak berdaya - no stregth for it/not up to it
terkuyu'-kuyu' (terkuyuk-kuyuk) :
macam orang lembab - a very slow person
kayut : teringat-ingat - recalling repeatedly
kejei :
mati - dead
nedéi (nedei) / neséi (nesei/nesay) / deday:
sidai/ sidaikan- hanging clothes/hang the clothes
nesah/sesah :
basuh baju- washing clothes
buat : ambilkan (baju atau sidaian dari ampaian) - to pick up (to be used for clothes from a clothing line)
éh (lepeh) : lipas - cockroach
guntor :
guruh - thunder
nanggar :
lihat - to look
encari' (encarik) : mencari - to find, to look for
usei-usei : sedikit demi sedikit - bit by bit
merati: perhati - looking closely
beliang/beliang ati/belabah : menggelabah/menggelabah hati - nerve wrecking?
beliang :
belabah - nerve wrecking
entingal/tingal :
tidak mendengar kata/degil - stubborn
tulik(tuli'), bengal: pekak/kurang jelas pendengaran - deaf
bisuk(bisu') : bisu - mute
ét (kelontet)  : pepatung - dragonfly
tejulur :
terkeluar tergantung - hanging out
(ngenteng/ngeteng) : baju terpendek/dipendekan - shorts/shirts hanging
tekait :
terkait - hooked
seloar/loar :
seluar - pants
nanggar/diat :
tengok/lihat - look
ékong (bertekong) : melingkarkan badan - curling up
bertakong :
air atau cecair yang terkumpul - a collection of water
gurin :
baring - laying down

léca (leca)  : rantai - necklace
gerunong: gelang kaki berloceng - bell charm bracelet/anklet
leci: periuk - pot
pantal panjang - bolster
kain cukin:
kain salin pas mandik - cloth to use after taking a shower
jong: tempat mandi - bath tub
jeraya: jalan raya - road
arum bula' (bulak) :
membesar-besarkan, menokok tambah- exaggerating
godang :
kelinik - clinic
jeti - jetty
wap :
pengkalan kapal- wharf  (derived from English word 'wharf' )
geluji' (gelijik), nyakat, ngati (ngatik) :
menyakat  - teasing
éngon (ngengon) , ngibun : menjaga sesuatu - bearing something
nguit :
mengungkit - to pry (as in leverage)
ngerondong: mengelilingi - to circle and gather around
merito :
meracau - having nightmare
kerto :
jentik-jentik - mosquito larvae
anso-anso :
antara tidur dan bangun - between sleep and awake
buntak: pendek & debab - short and storky
kontot/gendot : pendek - shorty
ensengal/ sengal :
sengal - tired and pain

tang :
bagai, seperti - like
memang - really
kokler :
pakei/makei/kena'/ngena' (kenak/ngenak):
guna, pakai/memakai/mengenakan - use for, wear
mésén (mesen) : menggayakan - to stylized (derived for the word 'fashion')
kena' (kenak): kenapa - why
nunggah : panggil - to call
madah/ padah :
beritahu - to tell
mao' (maok) :
mahu - want
si' (sik) :
tidak - no, not
beraie/berayee :
merindui seseorang - missing someone terribly
jelap/terselap :
teringat - reminiscing
kenang/ingat/mengenang - remember/remembering
éh/bésa (pateh / besa) : biasa - use to
mina' (minak) :
senang saja - just easily
mun :
mungkin - maybe
tajo/tajau :
tempayan besar - big vase
kedong :
alang-alang - while
merapak /rapak :
menepuk tangan/tepuk tangan - clapping/clap
teta' (tetak) :
ketawa - laugh
ék (ngelekek) : gelak yang tak terhingga - laughing out loud (LOL)
nyerao :
memamnggil & menjerit - calling & screaming out loud
kiak kaong(kawong): menjerit berkali-kali - shouting in a continuos manner
menjerit dengan sekuat hati dalam nada yang tinggi - shouting at a hight pitch voice
ngeraong : menjerit dengan suara yang amat kuat bila kesakitan - screaming out loud in pain
betekak :
bertekak - arguing or talking in a loud voice
pira' (pirak): manja - spoil

pikér/mikér (piker/miker) : fikir/memikirkan - think/thinking
peradey : campuran sireh yg dibuang oleh pengantin ke sungai utk membuang sial - a mixture of betel nut and betel leaves for a couple to throw away on their wedding day to rid off misfortunes
tanda merah biru seperti lebam bengkak dr jatuh atau kesan terhantuk - bruise
bincut: bengkak - bump
pening - heavy headed/dizzy
pening - in a confused state

pala' (palak):
kepala - head
geru' (geruk) : leher - neck
perangei: perangai  - behavior
agér / dang agér (ager/dang ager) : perempuan - maiden
sida' (sidak) : mereka - they
indah: ada(ye ke?) - is there any, really (use in an addition to a speech)
éncéh (renceh) : remeh - convoluted
éngkar /péngkang (pengkar / pengkang) : kengkang - bow legged
pengéngkar (pengengkar) : ingkar - very doubting
peningkah: seorang yang suka memberi pendapat tetang semua hal - a critic
cela, kritik - criticize
ngerujik: kacau/sakat ? - ?tease
ulun/okoi/ukoi : org suruhan - helper
pekayun :
sejenis permainan - a game
leka' (lekak) : siap - ready
(lekak) ya : setelah siap - once ready
leka' (lekak) to' (tok) : selepas ini - after this
malar/malar ja' (jak) : sentiasa/sentiasa sahaja - always
nanya' (nanyak) :
tanya - ask
tandah :
biar - let it
morah/porah , ngirin:
tiru/meniru gaya, mengikut gaya - mimic, imitate
tunggah/nunggah: panggil - call
juak : juga - also
polah/molah :
buat - do (action)
tuyuk(tuyu'): bodoh - stupid/dumb
bodoh - ignorant
piabong : gabus - cork
jedok : bentuk mcm senduk - a laddle
kelido :
senduk - a laddle

minyak londar :
minyak wangi - perfume
tirei :
tirai/langsir - curtain
kain beludu :
kain baldu - elvet clothe
baju sendar :
baju tidak bertangan - singlet/tank top/sleeveless pullover
énder/spéndar (spender/spendar) : seluar dalam - underwear * may have been from an English word suspender?
sendat : ketat - tight
kaus :
asap dari kukusan - steam
lempam :
lemau/semun - stale

rona/kale :
warna - color/colour
én (oren) : jingga - orange (derived from the english word 'orange')
pecah telor : light yellow - beige
cok pisang :
pucuk pisang - lime green
ai' (aik) laut :
biru muda - light blue
érah merak (merah merak) : merah bergahang - crimson/poppy red
kalas : merah jambu - pink
engkodok, kodok :
ungu - purple

mengarei(mengaray)/ngambor, mengambor :
berselarak - messy/scattered/clutter
merepu' (merepuk) 1: jatuh tak bergerak - collapse and not moving
merepu' (merepuk) 2 : meletak dan membiarkan pakain di atas lantai - putting and leaving clothes on the floor
geruga' (gerugak) /ngeruga'
(ngerugak) : menyelerakkan apabila mencari sesuatu - looking for something and making a mess
lantei : lantai - floor
éré' (bergerek) / géré' (gerek) / chan : berkasih/kekasih - in a relationship/boyfriend, girlfriend
minjam :
pinjam - borrow
kelaie(kelaee) : gaduh/kelahi - quarrel
berebut :
rebut - fight for ?
pasang : pakaikan - put on
ngetok : ketuk - knock on
teku' (tekuk) :
memicit & membunuh kutu - to squeeze & kill a small bug ( in this case, lice , eew!)

pemanis 1:
pemanis - using charm to woo others/opposite sex
pemanis 2:
pemanis - sweet tooth
masin: masin - salty
manis : manis - sweet
pait (paeet) : pahit - bitter
kelat : rasa dari buah yang belum masak - a taste of and unripen fruit
mekal : separuh masak - half ripe
malei : buah yang tidak betul-betul masak atau tidak pada tahap masak yang betul - an incomplete ripen fruit

bertangas : ? , to smoke with ?
bula' (bulak) / cong: bohong - lie
melelat : melilit - spread/coiled around
é' (pelek) : pelik - strange
nyengok :
lihat - to put your head out and look
terlentang gana :
jatuh terlentang - falling flat on your back
tulang beskin :
? - leaving skin & bones? (beskin derived from an English word, 'with skin')
keda' (kedak): seperti - like
mupok :
bergerak - move off (derived from an English word, 'move off')
peléngos (pelengos) : suka nak leka - have a potential to take it easy
berlantak :
berlanggar - hit
lantak kita' urang ya:
buat apa-apa sajalah kamu suka - do whatever you like
engkah :
letak - put
éng (nopeng) : joget berpasangan - dancing with partner
ditetas :
mencabut benang dari jahitan - taking thread out of a seam
terbetas : tercabut jahitan - broken seam
kemas/ngemas : mengemas - to put away
ilang :
hilang - disappear/vanish
tercicir/hilang - misplaced/lost
sik terkabér :
tak larat - no strength
kepa' (kepak):
letih - tired
berlunjur/berlunjor: ? - sitting with both legs stretch in front of you
merengo' (merengok) /merengu' (merenguk) :
mengelamun - daydream
lalé' (lalek): lalai - dreaming, daze
lelé' (lelek)kepala senget - tilted head
lembab - slow (in thinking)
é' (ngeramek): campur atau gaul - mixing or blending
ngetus :
mengeringkan - to drain in a collander
lembik/lembut - soft/soften
keru' (keruk) :
keras - harden/frozen stiff
ngesép (ngesep) : berhias - all dressed up
segak - smart looking
berseja' (bersejak): bersahaja - poise
usap/ngusap: lap, mengeringkan - to dry off
kusal: - menggosok kain atau baju bila membasuh atau digunakan apabila mengeringkan rambut dengan tuala
- rubbing clothes together during washing, also applies to drying your hair with a towel
tola : tuala - towel
lengis: habis, licin - clean plate
depa' (depak):
depa - yard
pulas: pulas - twist / wringe
berempas pulas: beriya-iya - with all might
apabila terlalu - eagerness
semadi sik ada :
daripada tidak ada - rather than nothing
berlengu' (berlenguk) / berlinyo' (berlinyok) :
berminyak - very oily
pulun : bertungkus lumus - putting the most efort
san/san buyan :
terkejut yang amat sangat seolah telah melihat hantu - a description as if you've seen a ghost/stupefy/ stun
pucat lesi/lesay : pucat - faint face

pemangkin 1 :
membawa maksud mentor untuk generasi baru - a mentor for younger generation
pemangkin 2:
penyebab sesuatu untuk bertindak balas; sebagai contoh, yis atau ragi adalah 'ibu' dalam pembuatan roti atau kuih - something that creates a reaction, for eg. yeast is a levening agent which raises dough in making bread

riso : risau - worry
telécok (terlecok) : terpelecok(tepeleco') - slipped while walking
nguap : sangap - yawn
berkeléyok (berkeleyok) : bercakap dengan petah dalam bahasa asal - talking fluently in language of origin
mun: mungkin, bila - if, when
: nafikan - doubting
: menyelam - dives
air bah
: air pasang - water tide rises
: mungkin, bula - if, when
kati' (katik) / ngati' (ngatik)
: sakat, kacau - banter
: sedap - delicious
tulong: tolong - help
ai' (aik) : air - water
angin : angin - air
: bergaduh, bertumbuk - had a fight/ a brawl with
tumpu: tumbok - beat/beat up

contoh ayat - eg sentence:

sik(si') lah nak medor ... nang nya suka nyelor mun aik(ai') bah
- tidak dinafikan...memang dia suka menyelam bila air pasang
- no doubt about it... he loves to dive in when the water tide rises

nyaman makan suntung tutok mun bulan posa
- sedap makan sotong ketuk bila bulan puasa
- the crushed grilled dried squid is really good during fasting month

tulong engkah ke sia
- tolong letak dekat situ
- help me put it there

senak(sena') perut tok
- sebu rasa perut ni
- my tummy feels bloated

kau ku tumpu kelak!
- engkau ku tumbuk nanti!
- I'll punch you, mind you!

miak nie dgn nya berbukut tek?
- budak mana dengan kau bertumbuk/bergaduh tadi?
- which kid did you have a brawl with just now?

kotan ngembak ati manas, ku arowk makei pisok
- sebab mebawa perasaan yang marah, aku tikam menggunakan pisau
- because of the anger inside, I stabbed with a knife

sik ku betah nak molén keparat ya
- tak heran aku nak bantai budak keparat tu
- I would rather not gang up on that idiot

ngeriot(ngeréot) ajak Pak Ungai kau
- menahan hati marah saja Pak Ungai kamu
- Pak Ungai must be clenching his teeth, holding his anger

Above sentences was sent to me by Boh Saee

...continued in part 3 >>

Bahasa Lamak Serawak tok dikumpul dari :
Bahasa Lama Sarawak ini adalah koleksi dari :
These Sarawak Classic are a collection of words are form:

Hazel Hazelina, Ariffin Kifle aka aPayne, Amla Kamal, Hj.Suhaili b. Hj Wahed Embai & Hjh Niah bt. Seman, Ayahanda Hj Bolhassan Rais & Bonda Hjh Fauziah Umar, Rashidah, Ranimah, Noraisah Hj Bolhassan; Suhaila, Bokhari & Juaini Saee; Muriyadi Basri, Hj Saee b. Adon. & Hadiah Abg Zainuddin, Haffiz Abdul Latip, Lita McPherson, Sonny Kushairi, Surie & Sarbini Hussein, Maria Shamit, Afique & Azzah Muriyadi, Dayangku Noorfazidah Awang Sh'ri, Reza Mohamad, Nurul Izzati Aveiro, Rudzaimeir Roza Malek, Zurwina Sharkawi, Alynawaty Hajmi, Dr Kamil Salem, Tina Marikan, Filzah Affendi, Susana Salleh-Weekes, Leez Rahman, Haniz Wilson, Faridah Abdul Hamid, Rafeedah Morshidi, Dayang Norazan Zain, Irma Osman, Yasmin Mae, Hamidah Ahmad, Sharifah Wahani Syed Johan, Danish Nadzmi, Sepuk (forgive me if I do not know your real name,) Mazillurza (or Azrullizam,) Amizain Al-Edrus, Roslan Misa, Zakiah Ahmat, Ramona Ariffin, N Azura Szly, Rohana Kiprawi, Hafizul Hakim, Encik Dzul, Ithnani Apandi, Habibah Norden Harvey, Abg Moasili a.k.a. Moss, Nazaruddin Hj Hamit a.k.a. Naza, Melanie Merikan...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

..tang pelek jk mun kita nulis k bahasa sarwak..