Friday, October 16, 2009

Bahasa Sarawak Mensia : Bahasa Sarawak Lama - Sarawak Classic Malay V

Intro | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5  | Part 6
(roll over image below for its description)

pasu & tampi' beras
Beautiful souvenirs from Sarawak.
I have been on a break doing these word translations and more had come from those who are very interested in this work, may it be from this blog readers' comments or from facebook friends, I thank you. So, here is another continuation of my previous part 5 page. There might be some word repetitions and at times I might find new meanings to each word. I will be repeating all credits and important info if you just got to this page. Above are links to more:) It might be a dry read but it may also give you some information. Enjoy.

I will be doing it in 3 languages, Bahasa Sarawak, Bahasa Malaysia and English ** it is not yet refined in any terms or category nor arranged in an alphabetical order as it is a work in progress

**make known that there are many words that are spelled with 'k' at the end and any word with the " ' " is with a silent 'k' in pronunciation, with an abrupt stop to the word. Any word without  the " ' " please emphasize on the "k" sound.
Also referred to as a glottal stop. A very important info given to me by Suhaila Saee:) thanks Su:)

Below are samples of why the glottal stop is important to each word spelled and used correctly.

sa' ja' (sak jak) : walaupun - even though
sak ati : sakit ati - annoyed

the word '
sak' here is spelled the same but with a different pronounciation and meaning. the use of " ' " is very important to denote that each is different.
before I begin, tips with pronunciation in Sarawak Malay:
a = ä as in Father
e = e as in Term
é = é as in Let
i = ee as in Bee
o = o as in No , Toe
u = u as in Took, Put
ei,ey, ay = as in Day, Pay,

ng = word begins with 'ng' as in thing
ny = word begins with 'ny' as in banyak [banyak means more in English]

reference for ny from:
Retroflex nasal  / rujukan untuk ny dari: Sengauan lelangit

**In Sarawak dialect, the way you pronounces words with 'R' are also different. Emphasis on the 'R' are as if there are 2 'r's with an 'h' =
'rrh' , not rolling end of your tongue but using the back of your throat. Guttural Sound.

lepar: liar/berkeliaran - go wild
: bentung, betung, pembentung, pembetung - culvert
ngerébéh(ngerebeh) : berat dengan perhiasan - (word best to describe a person) heavy with accessories
tekébab-kébab (tekebab-kebab): bergerak dengan rakus apabila memakai baju yang besar - movement effected by wearing an oversized attire
behéléh (beheleh) : mengantuk - falling asleep
bejurei / berjuré (berjuray) : berjurai - as in chains, accessories in layers, jellyfish tentacles
/ bejunté-junté (berjuntay-juntay) : berjuntai - dangling, pendulous
kelang-kelus : keluar masuk (pergerakan seseorang/beramai-ramai) - a person or a group going in and out
suma' (sumak): cuma/cumanya - the only thing is
kecor : kecur - mouth-watering
sa'al : tak betul akal - not in the right state of mind
kerikap : ? - ?
kerang : kerang - cockle
lokan : ? - clams
isim/isém (isem) : gila, hilang akal - lost one's mind/ insane
serongan : orang yang dirasuk - A person who is in trance, out of body experience, believed to produce another personality [maybe almost in an insane mode]

serongan ya kedak urang isim ... urang kenak rasuk bila nya nyeru makhluk alus nulong nya masa ngubat urang ... sort of lah. lol Or it can be that the person has lost his senile state of mind ... macam pleading insanity in the court of law ... nya sik sedar dah ... urang latah mudah datang serongan juak ~ Nazaruddin Hj Hamit
meruyan : meroyan - postpartum depression
bejit : ?/ gelaran untuk budak nakal - Genie / a name for a mischievous person

berjuntun-juntun : berjalan dalam garisan- Walking in lines
berduru' /
berduru'-duru' (berduruk / berduruk-duruk) : bergerak bergegas-gegas (dalam kumpulan) - moving in a rushing/ hastily manner (in groups)
: pemukul telor - egg beater
kelido: sudu kayu untuk memasak - wooden spoon
nyerunggu' (nyerungguk)
: bercangkung - sitting in a total squat position
berdengking  - squeal [I have been trying to define the exact definition of this word and this is the closest I have found]

peléngos (pelengos): tidak bertanggungjawab - irresponsible
pényék (penyek): leper  - flattened
: latah  - hyperstartling
jeluak: muak  - nauseated
teriki' (terikik)
: dengan bersungguh-sungguh  - trying with all might
(kaleng): bekas makanan yang bertingkat  - food container or lunch box which are stacked, also known as 'dabbas' or 'tiffin'
dikeruéi/keruwéi/keruwé (keruei/keruwei/keruwe): dikacau(senyap-senyap)/digaul  - quietly working on something;mixing
ngipa'(ngipak): mengendap  - waiting to ambush
nilit : menilik  - peeps
pitan : sakit mata  - conjunctivitis
pelempong : pelampung  - a float
ngeriji'(ngerijik): menggeletar  - shivers
ngeruit: pergerakkan kecil  - little movement
ngerebat: gerakkan badan yang mengejut (seolah-olah geli atau terkejut - body moving spastically (upon being startled or squeamish)
ngunjam: proses bembinaan rumah (bahagian rangka rumah)  - Building house process (more to skeleton phase)
tuyu' (tuyuk)/bebal: lembab ( dari segi penerimaan pembelajaran) - slow ( in a form of learning)
bako' (bakok):
bodoh  -
dangau ; mainan  -
small temporary hut (in rice-field or orchard) ; toy
pungas/empungas: bilas/membilas (untuk muka)  - rinse (word applied for face only)
aro/ngaro: mengamuk   - ran amok
terkurit-kurit: dalam keadaan senyap dan memberi penumpuan yang penuh   - sitting doodling/working in a quiet & focus sitting position
: bibir atas - upper lip

ngerétés (ngeretes): bergerak dengan pantas - moving in a fast manner/efficient
datang bungkastimbul kemarahan   - thowing a fit/raising ones anger
berbalatmeninggalkan kesan dari pukulan  - a mark left by hitting
kalan/pengkalanpengkalan  - jetty
daun nerujudaun jeruju  - Acanthus ebracteatus
air bah/air pasangair pasang  - high tide
malu' / palu'(maluk / paluk)palu  - hit
milus: amat kecil  - small, tiny
ngepong/kepongkejar  - chase

...continued in part 6 >>

Bahasa Lamak Serawak tok dikumpul dari :
Bahasa Lama Sarawak ini adalah koleksi dari :
These Sarawak Classic are a collection of words are form:

Hazel Hazelina, Ariffin Kifle aka aPayne, Amla Kamal, Hj.Suhaili b. Hj Wahed Embai & Hjh Niah bt. Seman, Ayahanda Hj Bolhassan Rais & Bonda Hjh Fauziah Umar, Rashidah, Ranimah, Noraisah Hj Bolhassan; Suhaila, Bokhari & Juaini Saee; Muriyadi Basri, Hj Saee b. Adon. & Hadiah Abg Zainuddin, Haffiz Abdul Latip, Lita McPherson, Sonny Kushairi, Surie & Sarbini Hussein, Maria Shamit, Afique & Azzah Muriyadi, Dayangku Noorfazidah Awang Sh'ri, Reza Mohamad, Nurul Izzati Aveiro, Rudzaimeir Roza Malek, Zurwina Sharkawi, Alynawaty Hajmi, Dr Kamil Salem, Tina Marikan, Filzah Affendi, Susana Salleh-Weekes, Leez Rahman, Haniz Wilson, Faridah Abdul Hamid, Rafeedah Morshidi, Dayang Norazan Zain, Irma Osman, Yasmin Mae, Hamidah Ahmad, Sharifah Wahani Syed Johan, Danish Nadzmi, Sepuk (forgive me if I do not know your real name,) Mazillurza (or Azrullizam,) Amizain Al-Edrus, Roslan Misa, Zakiah Ahmat, Ramona Ariffin, N Azura Szly, Rohana Kiprawi, Hafizul Hakim, Encik Dzul, Ithnani Apandi, Habibah Norden Harvey, Abg Moasili a.k.a. Moss, Nazaruddin Hj Hamit a.k.a. Naza, Azlina Nur, Melanie Merikan...


Anonymous said...

bagus ba kamu tulis semua ni..cayok2! :)

FreezerNinja said...

Terimakasih, kawan.

Anonymous said...

boleh explain word "tek"
maksud & penggunaan

FreezerNinja said...

Tek. bagus soalan kitak ya, that's a good question.

Tek: Tadi - just now /just
•perkatan yang di tambah bila berbicara, - a word that is added during a conversation
•Digunakan hanya untuk beberapa seketika; beberapa saat atau minit - only refers to a few seconds or minutes ago.

Eg. Apa polah kitak tek? : Apa yang kamu buat tadi - What did you do just now?


Apa padah kitak tek? : Apa yang kamu kata tadi? - What did you just say?

Anonymous said...

oraits, kamek dah paham nektok..
lamak kamek cr maksud nya. mek blaja klaka malay sarawak from internet jak.. tqsm ;)

FreezerNinja said...

sama2 kita belajar. kamék pun maséh gik ngumpol sebanyak boléh. mana sempat nyelepat bila sik gago. keep conversing with your friends too to brush it up. Thanks for visiting.