Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tart Nenas : Pineapple Tart

I was craving again last night, for my all time favorite, the Pineapple Tart. A very good friend, Sherry, sent me a tray together with chocolate chips cookies, all the way from home and I cannot get enough of it! Bless your heart & Thank you Sherry!
tart nenas, pineapple tart
These are a must have, almost in every household during religious festivals back home, in Malaysia. May it be Chinese New Year, the Eid and other religious holidays or festivals, you will find them. It is delicious almost crumbly yet buttery on the outside; sweet, tart and almost chewy in its filling. Super delicious! Like Rugelach as my all time favorite in the States, these are the Ultimate Cookie back home, well next to Kuih Makmur [Mexican wedding cake in States] of course.

So, I went to my computer for recipe search and its among the top listed searches for 'Tart Nenas.' Of course everyone have their favorite ones. I got a few. After so many days of searching for the best ingredients, I came out with my own which came from a combination of so many recipes. I want my crust to be buttery, not too crumbly yet with a little crunch, enough to hold the pineapple jam that I made. This will be my 3rd recipe that I dare to come up with, according to what my taste bud likes.  I am making this tart without any rolling pin but just roll and press them with my fingers to make it into its shape. It may not be as pretty, like what I have seen online, but I think I got the taste to be just perfect. Just the way my FreezerNinja taste bud likes:) I would say, it taste like having thick almost chewy fruit jam on a shortbread. Something like that. Oh, and the cloves, made a world of difference in taste, that is if you like cloves:)

I first made them on Oct 14th with successful alteration last night, Oct 17th, 2009. So here goes, my avid reader.

Pineapple Tart.
~by FreezerNinja.

Pineapple Jam
1 Large Pineapple (ripe)
1/2 cup of sugar
1/2 tsp of salt
6 cloves
1 cinnamon stick
2 tablespoon of cornflour

Peel, get rid of the core and grate or put them in your food processor.
Put the grated pineapple into a pot with sugar, salt, cloves and cinnamon and mixing them well, bring them to boil. Cook them till it gets thick, no more juice and add in the cornflour. Mix well, simmer and let it cook till further thickens, making sure to stir them from time to time.  This process took me about half an hour or so. I divided this to 4. The Tart dough below uses only a quarter of this Jam recipe.

Tart dough (makes 25 tart or cookie

4 oz of butter
2 tbsp confectioners sugar
1 egg
1 pinch of salt
3 tbsp cornflour
1 1/2 cup of all purpose flour

Beat butter till creamy.
Add in confectioners sugar and salt.  Mix well.
Add in egg. Mix well.
Add in flour and cornflour.

Mix well till the dough forms into a ball and do not stick to the bowl.

Heat your oven to 350ºF
. My recipe will use only a quarter of the jam that has been produced from one large pineapple. So you know what to do if you want to finish the jam:)

Divide the dough into 25 small portions.
Roll them in an oval shape, about 1/8" thick.
Put about 1/2 of a teaspoon pineapple jam in the middle of the dough and roll.
Put them about and inch apart on a parchment paper lined baking tray.

NOTE: If you like to add egg wash on the tart, this is the time to do it, just beat 1 egg and brush them before you put them into the oven.

Some of the tart/cookie, I stick one clove in, just because I love the taste of clove in my pineapple tart. I have a bit of a weird taste buds. This is optional.

Bake them about 30 mins or until the tart has turned a bit golden.

tart nenas, pineapple tart
Happy Baking! Enjoy.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Bahasa Sarawak Mensia : Bahasa Sarawak Lama - Sarawak Classic Malay V

Intro | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5  | Part 6
(roll over image below for its description)

pasu & tampi' beras
Beautiful souvenirs from Sarawak.
I have been on a break doing these word translations and more had come from those who are very interested in this work, may it be from this blog readers' comments or from facebook friends, I thank you. So, here is another continuation of my previous part 5 page. There might be some word repetitions and at times I might find new meanings to each word. I will be repeating all credits and important info if you just got to this page. Above are links to more:) It might be a dry read but it may also give you some information. Enjoy.

I will be doing it in 3 languages, Bahasa Sarawak, Bahasa Malaysia and English ** it is not yet refined in any terms or category nor arranged in an alphabetical order as it is a work in progress

**make known that there are many words that are spelled with 'k' at the end and any word with the " ' " is with a silent 'k' in pronunciation, with an abrupt stop to the word. Any word without  the " ' " please emphasize on the "k" sound.
Also referred to as a glottal stop. A very important info given to me by Suhaila Saee:) thanks Su:)

Below are samples of why the glottal stop is important to each word spelled and used correctly.

sa' ja' (sak jak) : walaupun - even though
sak ati : sakit ati - annoyed

the word '
sak' here is spelled the same but with a different pronounciation and meaning. the use of " ' " is very important to denote that each is different.
before I begin, tips with pronunciation in Sarawak Malay:
a = ä as in Father
e = e as in Term
é = é as in Let
i = ee as in Bee
o = o as in No , Toe
u = u as in Took, Put
ei,ey, ay = as in Day, Pay,

ng = word begins with 'ng' as in thing
ny = word begins with 'ny' as in banyak [banyak means more in English]

reference for ny from:
Retroflex nasal  / rujukan untuk ny dari: Sengauan lelangit

**In Sarawak dialect, the way you pronounces words with 'R' are also different. Emphasis on the 'R' are as if there are 2 'r's with an 'h' =
'rrh' , not rolling end of your tongue but using the back of your throat. Guttural Sound.

lepar: liar/berkeliaran - go wild
: bentung, betung, pembentung, pembetung - culvert
ngerébéh(ngerebeh) : berat dengan perhiasan - (word best to describe a person) heavy with accessories
tekébab-kébab (tekebab-kebab): bergerak dengan rakus apabila memakai baju yang besar - movement effected by wearing an oversized attire
behéléh (beheleh) : mengantuk - falling asleep
bejurei / berjuré (berjuray) : berjurai - as in chains, accessories in layers, jellyfish tentacles
/ bejunté-junté (berjuntay-juntay) : berjuntai - dangling, pendulous
kelang-kelus : keluar masuk (pergerakan seseorang/beramai-ramai) - a person or a group going in and out
suma' (sumak): cuma/cumanya - the only thing is
kecor : kecur - mouth-watering
sa'al : tak betul akal - not in the right state of mind
kerikap : ? - ?
kerang : kerang - cockle
lokan : ? - clams
isim/isém (isem) : gila, hilang akal - lost one's mind/ insane
serongan : orang yang dirasuk - A person who is in trance, out of body experience, believed to produce another personality [maybe almost in an insane mode]

serongan ya kedak urang isim ... urang kenak rasuk bila nya nyeru makhluk alus nulong nya masa ngubat urang ... sort of lah. lol Or it can be that the person has lost his senile state of mind ... macam pleading insanity in the court of law ... nya sik sedar dah ... urang latah mudah datang serongan juak ~ Nazaruddin Hj Hamit
meruyan : meroyan - postpartum depression
bejit : ?/ gelaran untuk budak nakal - Genie / a name for a mischievous person

berjuntun-juntun : berjalan dalam garisan- Walking in lines
berduru' /
berduru'-duru' (berduruk / berduruk-duruk) : bergerak bergegas-gegas (dalam kumpulan) - moving in a rushing/ hastily manner (in groups)
: pemukul telor - egg beater
kelido: sudu kayu untuk memasak - wooden spoon
nyerunggu' (nyerungguk)
: bercangkung - sitting in a total squat position
berdengking  - squeal [I have been trying to define the exact definition of this word and this is the closest I have found]

peléngos (pelengos): tidak bertanggungjawab - irresponsible
pényék (penyek): leper  - flattened
: latah  - hyperstartling
jeluak: muak  - nauseated
teriki' (terikik)
: dengan bersungguh-sungguh  - trying with all might
(kaleng): bekas makanan yang bertingkat  - food container or lunch box which are stacked, also known as 'dabbas' or 'tiffin'
dikeruéi/keruwéi/keruwé (keruei/keruwei/keruwe): dikacau(senyap-senyap)/digaul  - quietly working on something;mixing
ngipa'(ngipak): mengendap  - waiting to ambush
nilit : menilik  - peeps
pitan : sakit mata  - conjunctivitis
pelempong : pelampung  - a float
ngeriji'(ngerijik): menggeletar  - shivers
ngeruit: pergerakkan kecil  - little movement
ngerebat: gerakkan badan yang mengejut (seolah-olah geli atau terkejut - body moving spastically (upon being startled or squeamish)
ngunjam: proses bembinaan rumah (bahagian rangka rumah)  - Building house process (more to skeleton phase)
tuyu' (tuyuk)/bebal: lembab ( dari segi penerimaan pembelajaran) - slow ( in a form of learning)
bako' (bakok):
bodoh  -
dangau ; mainan  -
small temporary hut (in rice-field or orchard) ; toy
pungas/empungas: bilas/membilas (untuk muka)  - rinse (word applied for face only)
aro/ngaro: mengamuk   - ran amok
terkurit-kurit: dalam keadaan senyap dan memberi penumpuan yang penuh   - sitting doodling/working in a quiet & focus sitting position
: bibir atas - upper lip

ngerétés (ngeretes): bergerak dengan pantas - moving in a fast manner/efficient
datang bungkastimbul kemarahan   - thowing a fit/raising ones anger
berbalatmeninggalkan kesan dari pukulan  - a mark left by hitting
kalan/pengkalanpengkalan  - jetty
daun nerujudaun jeruju  - Acanthus ebracteatus
air bah/air pasangair pasang  - high tide
malu' / palu'(maluk / paluk)palu  - hit
milus: amat kecil  - small, tiny
ngepong/kepongkejar  - chase

...continued in part 6 >>

Bahasa Lamak Serawak tok dikumpul dari :
Bahasa Lama Sarawak ini adalah koleksi dari :
These Sarawak Classic are a collection of words are form:

Hazel Hazelina, Ariffin Kifle aka aPayne, Amla Kamal, Hj.Suhaili b. Hj Wahed Embai & Hjh Niah bt. Seman, Ayahanda Hj Bolhassan Rais & Bonda Hjh Fauziah Umar, Rashidah, Ranimah, Noraisah Hj Bolhassan; Suhaila, Bokhari & Juaini Saee; Muriyadi Basri, Hj Saee b. Adon. & Hadiah Abg Zainuddin, Haffiz Abdul Latip, Lita McPherson, Sonny Kushairi, Surie & Sarbini Hussein, Maria Shamit, Afique & Azzah Muriyadi, Dayangku Noorfazidah Awang Sh'ri, Reza Mohamad, Nurul Izzati Aveiro, Rudzaimeir Roza Malek, Zurwina Sharkawi, Alynawaty Hajmi, Dr Kamil Salem, Tina Marikan, Filzah Affendi, Susana Salleh-Weekes, Leez Rahman, Haniz Wilson, Faridah Abdul Hamid, Rafeedah Morshidi, Dayang Norazan Zain, Irma Osman, Yasmin Mae, Hamidah Ahmad, Sharifah Wahani Syed Johan, Danish Nadzmi, Sepuk (forgive me if I do not know your real name,) Mazillurza (or Azrullizam,) Amizain Al-Edrus, Roslan Misa, Zakiah Ahmat, Ramona Ariffin, N Azura Szly, Rohana Kiprawi, Hafizul Hakim, Encik Dzul, Ithnani Apandi, Habibah Norden Harvey, Abg Moasili a.k.a. Moss, Nazaruddin Hj Hamit a.k.a. Naza, Azlina Nur, Melanie Merikan...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

OnineOnineOnine:) & my fresh garden Pizza

o9o9o9 - a date that most think as lucky and for some, because of how it sounds in a certain language, means otherwise. To me, below is what is interesting about this number 9.
"In base 10 a number is evenly divisible by nine if and only if its digital root is 9. That is, if you multiply nine by any natural number, and repeatedly add the digits of the answer until it is just one digit, you will end up with nine" - wikipedia
I am not going to talk about numbers in this entry but just sharing a little knowledge I got from the web.

I will be talking about my summer obsession with my little garden. Little pots of flowers, herbs, peppers, tomatoes and zucchini.

veges in my balcony
produce harvestedRecently, I had harvested and made my very own garden produced vegetables into a quick pizza using pita bread that I bought fresh from a Mediterranean Market nearby, also topped with Spanish cheese. I have always wanted to try Spanish cheese when Rachel Ray used it in her sandwiches one time.

Firstly, I had sauteed onion, bought; bell pepper from my garden and sliced thinly beef in a pan for my meat portion of the pizza, then I sliced the cheese thinly, arranged so it almost covered the pita, topped with sliced tomatoes and zucchini from my garden. Since i did not have any basil, I chopped some cilantro then top it off with the sauteed beef. Everything were just eye-balled into each piece of pita that I have. Drizzle, extra virgin olive oil on top of the pita and put them in a 35o deg F oven for about 20 minutes or till the cheese melts.

beef pizza
Thinly crusted beef pizza. No sauce, just sliced cheese, tomato and zucchini and cilantro with a drizzle of extra Virgin Olive Oil. Voila!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bahasa Sarawak Mensia : Bahasa Sarawak Lama - Sarawak Classic Malay IV

Intro | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5  | Part 6 
(roll over image below for its description)

pua kumbu-Iban
Pua Kumbu
Lagu Lama' Rakyat - Lagu Lama Rakyat - Old Sarawak Folk Song

...a continuation from the previous part 4 page. This page will be dedicated to old Sarawak folk songs. Sang by kids and adults alike. Enjoy.

I will try to do this in 3 languages; Bahasa Sarawak, Bahasa Malaysia and English
** Again, these are work in progress

**make known that there are many words that are spelled with 'k' at the end and any word with the " ' " is with a silent 'k' in pronunciation, with an abrupt stop to the word. Any word without  the " ' " please emphasize on the "k" sound.
Also referred to as a glottal stop. A very important info given to me by Suhaila Saee:) thanks Su:)

Below are samples of why the glottal stop is important to each word spelled and used correctly.

sa' ja' (sak jak) : walaupun - even though
sak ati : sakit ati - annoyed

the word '
sak' here is spelled the same but with a different pronounciation and meaning. the use of " ' " is very important to denote that each is different.
before I begin, tips with pronunciation in Sarawak Malay:
a = ä as in Father
e = e as in Term
é = é as in Let
i = ee as in Bee
o = o as in No , Toe
u = u as in Took, Put
ei,ey, ay = as in Day, Pay,

ng = word begins with 'ng' as in thing
ny = word begins with 'ny' as in banyak [banyak means more in English]

reference for ny from:
Retroflex nasal  / rujukan untuk ny dari: Sengauan lelangit

**In Sarawak dialect, the way you pronounces words with 'R' are also different. Emphasis on the 'R' are as if there are 2 'r's with an 'h' =
'rrh' , not rolling end of your tongue but using the back of your throat. Guttural Sound.
Puteri Santubong

Puteri Sentubong,
Sejinjang sayang,
Kisah lama,
Jaman mensia maya.

korus - chorus
Puteri Sentubong, Puteri Sejinjang,
Penjaga gunung Negeri Sarawak,
Manis sik(si') ada dapat dilawan,
Anak dak(da') Déwa turun kayangan. (2x)

Sentubong puteri bertenun kain malam,
Sejinjang puteri menumbok(menumbo') padi siang.

Satu hari nya duak(dua') kelahi,
Beranok anok (Berano' ano' ) sik(si') renti-renti,
Seorang madah dirik(diri') bagus agik(agi') ,
Seorang sik(si') ngalah walau sampei(sampay) ke mati.

ulang korus - repeat chorus

Puteri Sentubong,
Sejinjang sayang,
Udah bermusuh
berpanjang panjang sayang

Udah lejuk(leju') nya duak(dua') kelahi,
Lalu bertukuk(betuku') nya duak(dua') puteri,
Sejinjang mengayun aluk(alu') ke pipi,
Tebik(tebi') Santubong sampai gitok(gito') ari.

Tapi Sentubong membalas juak(jua') ,
Lalu ditikam batang belidak(belida') ,
Sampei terkenak(tekena') Sejinjang kepala,
Lalu bertabor jadi Pulo Kera.

ulang korus - repeat chorus

Kisah Sentubong, kisah Sejinjang,
Asal berkawan jadi musuhan,
Kinék(kiné') tok(to') tinggal jadi kenangan,
Pakei ingatan sepanjang zaman.

this song is about two princesses who are best friends. Princess Sentubong, who loves to weave at night and Princess Sejinjang who grinds padi during the day. One day, both were comparing who is more better that the other, it leads to a huge fight that lasts for days until it got so heated up that Sejinjang swings her long wooden pestle to Sentubong's cheek which became dented till this day. Sentubong who do not want to lose, swings 'batang belida' - a weaving tool to Sejinjang's head which scattered and became the Kera Island. - It is believed that these two were cursed and became 2 mountains at the Northwest tip of Borneo, Gunung Santubong & Bukit Sejinjang.
contoh lagu dalam mainan budak budak - example of a rhyme sung and played by kids as a game
tabik nék(né') datok(dato'),
garuk tungkin jgn ngirin jgn nundak(nunda'),
ramramrép si kacam cungor,
okop okop si aik limo,
patah pakuk patah midin,
carik aku telok dindin...
tegoléng goléng,
congkerepang belangak sombéng,
patah geliga ketawak téngténg,
begoléng goléng.
contoh lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh orang tua untuk budak-budak - example of a rhyme sung by the elderly for kids
lék lék(lé' lé') sapi,
bebulu telinga nya
mana keling jadi
belah ulu rumah nya.
Both of the above were sent by Hazel Hazelina ( Hazel Jz)

...continued in part 5 >>

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bahasa Sarawak Mensia : Bahasa Sarawak Lama - Sarawak Classic Malay III

Intro | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Part 4 | Part 5  | Part 6
(roll over image below for its description)

manit, manik, beads-Orang Ulu
Orang Ulu ceremonial bead necklace
...another continuation of my previous part 3 page. Repeating all credits and important info if you just got to this page, there's more:) it might be a dry read but it may also give you some information. Enjoy.
I will be doing it in 3 languages, Bahasa Sarawak, Bahasa Malaysia and English ** it is not yet refined in any terms or category nor arranged in an alphabetical order as it is a work in progress

**make known that there are many words that are spelled with '
k' at the end and any word with the " ' " is with a silent 'k' in pronunciation, with an abrupt stop to the word. Any word without  the " ' " please emphasize on the "k" sound.
Also referred to as a glottal stop. A very important info given to me by Suhaila Saee:) thanks Su:)

Below are samples of why the glottal stop is important to each word spelled and used correctly.

sa' ja' (sak jak) : walaupun - even though
sak ati : sakit ati - annoyed

the word '
sak' here is spelled the same but with a different pronounciation and meaning. the use of " ' " is very important to denote that each is different.
before I begin, tips with pronunciation in Sarawak Malay:
a = ä as in Father
e = e as in Term
é = é as in Let
i = ee as in Bee
o = o as in No , Toe
u = u as in Took, Put
ei,ey, ay = as in Day, Pay,

ng = word begins with 'ng' as in thing
ny = word begins with 'ny' as in banyak [banyak means more in English]

reference for ny from:
Retroflex nasal  / rujukan untuk ny dari: Sengauan lelangit

**In Sarawak dialect, the way you pronounces words with 'R' are also different. Emphasis on the 'R' are as if there are 2 'r's with an 'h' = 'rrh' , not rolling end of your tongue but using the back of your throat. Guttural Sound.
diam : tinggal - live
diam : senyap - quiet
ran : gayat - giddy
ranggat : garang - blunt
congék : getas?, sensitif - sensitive
melang-ngus : bosan - no means to have fun or bored with nothing to do
gelembong : belon - baloon
bélon : kapalterbang - airplane
kojol :
mati - dead
berlara' (berlarak) :
meleraikan - to crowd control
main rada' (radak) :
main masuk sahaja - to enter with no hesitant
bebalat : meninggal kan kesan apabila kena pukul - leaving a mark when beaten
pangkong : ketuk dikepala - hit on the head
belepak : berkesan - with a mark or scar
legi' (legik) : kurus(untuk orang)/tak berisi(untuk buah) - skinny(for a person) /little flesh (for fruits)
pangka' (pangkak)  : sambar - struck
nyaru' (nyaruk): petir - lightning
belala' (belalak) : ketagih- addicted
legam : legam, hitam - very dark, deep (color)
belao/belawo : kulit hitam akibat terlalu berpanas - darker tan

contoh ayat - eg sentence:

Legik nar juak badan ko ya! dah jak legam berjemor ari ari! ada kenak pangkak nyaru kelak, nagga ko tercugat cugat sia:)

Kurus betul badan kamu tu! Sudahlah hitam, berjemur setiap hari! Nanti ada terkena sambar kilat tengok kau berdiri tegak dekat situ.

You're awefully thin! You're too dark after too much sun! You might not want to stand still like that, afraid that you might be struck by lightning!

belor-belor : ? -?
rémpé' (rémpék) : berat yang berlebihan mengakibatkan badan ? - overload that results in sinking of a stature
ngampar tikar : hamparkan tikar - to spread out a mat
pépér/mépéh: leper/meleperkan - falt/to flatten

berbual: rasa nak muntah - nauseous
ngerinsa' (ngerinsak) : mengerut dahi - frowning
merinsa' (merinsak) : keadaan yang menyedihkan - in poor condition
jungor : bibir atas - upper lip
peka' (pekak) gik : takkan lagi - ?
peka' (pekak) gik/pa' (pak) kal bah... : kalau tidak... - if not because of...
sama rebus/masin-masin : masing-masing - together
rebak anyut : flowing
berderak: bergegas meluru - crowded rushing to
merai' (meraik):
membuang - wasting
nyerémé' (nyerémék) : comel - cute
mupok lok : pergi dulu - moving off now
larat - capable
tersaup : bersama-sama/bersatu - united
lemenét : air limao - lemonade
nyompol : baham - putting a big piece of food into ones mouth/gobble
tungko : pemainan yang menggunakan tudong botol air limau - playing a game using lemonade bottle caps
bertebak : mandi di sungai/beristirehat - taking a bath in the river/relaxing
berbada' (berbadak) : terlalu seronok hingga lupa dunia - having too much fun until you forget about your surroundings
tungam: membaham makanan - guzzling down food
sika: sakit perut masuk angin - stomach ache and bloated feeling

contoh ayat - eg sentence:

miak ya tebobo' dijungkar tadi. Nya kena' sika. Yalah uléh nyé nyompol tumpi' basi' lam sep ya. Mak nya si' tau' papa, kotan nya gago ngan diri nyé chekar. Bapa nya layap main tungko. Sidak lain pegi beteba' di batang aik.

budak tadi terceret di tempat mandi tadi. Dia sakit perut masuk angin. Akibat membaham lempeng basi dalam bekas simpanan tadi. Ibunya tidak tahu apa-apa, akibat budak tadi nagt dirnya kuat. Ayahnya lalai bermain dengan tudung botol berjudi. Yang lain pergi bersitirehat dan bersuka ria di muara.

the kid crap in his pants at the bath area , he had a stomach ache. The result of eating mouthful of spoiled pancake in the safe(cupboard). His mom did not know about it, as he thinks is a mighty boy. His dad was too obsessed playing with bottle caps and betting The others were relaxing at the river mouth having fun.

Above sentences was sent to me by Sarbini Hussein
luubers : tingkap cermin - louver
gelébar : pengungkit - lever
peraut : pengasah pensil - pencil sharpener
kerubong : bekas yang dalam - a deep container
lua' (luak) luey/angol/mabok:
mabuk - drunk, dizzy
kiba' (kibak) : ? - ?
rucei/ruchay: racik - to take apart
ketuya' (ketuyak) /tuya' (tuyak) kenyanyat: berkali-kali - again and again
keréta ténk : kereta kebal - army tank (*derived for the word 'tank' in English)
beluku' palaktut (belukuk pala'tut) : kepala lutut - knee cap
beluku' (belukuk) 1: pembawa padah - jinx
beluku' (belukuk) 2: ketulan keras -hard lump
kelabu asap : tidak tahu menahu - naive
engkah ajak(aja'), mun dah ada : letak saja kalau ada - put it there if you have it
boh di ingo : jangan di hirau - ignore it (*might have been derived for the word 'ignore' in English)
eh! ya mudah! : eh, sudah pasti! - hey, it must have been!
kelinga wi' (wik) : bengal - stubborn, temporarily deaf
beledup bunyi Nyior tergugo' (tergugok) : ? bunyi kelapa jatuh - the coconut that fell makes a thud sound
melampar jak rumah : berselarak saja rumah - the place is so messy
ka'nya bedango, keréyak ja' (jak) rupanya :
selepas dia main pemainan, kotor sungguh rupanya - after he/she played with his/her toys, his/her face looks so messy and dirty
empeyak jak bunyi nya kelakar : tak senonoh saja bunyi dia bercakap - he/she talks in a dragging and annoying manner
jerumut : campak - measles
tekak kerabak : bunyi kuat hasik darik gelak atau ketawa keterlaluan - a loud laughter
tekak: tekak (teka') - thoat
berpungas: mencuci muka selepas bangun dari tidur - rinsing off your face after waking up.

tempayan/udat: tempayan dengan mulut yang besar - a big vase with wide mouth
pasu : pasu - a pot
kebok : pasu dengan mulut yang kecil - small vase with small mouth
gusi (anak kebo'): anak pasu kecil yang bemulut kecil - miniature vase with very small opening

contoh ayat - eg sentence:

bunyi kerabaknya dari sitok nengar...bait-bait neki', belabat ku, takut nya nait tanggak...simpan bait-bait, jangan main sensang, tebik kelak...

bunyi gelak besar kamu boleh didengar dari sini lagi...baik-baik memanjat, gayat hatiku, takut melihat dia naik tangga...simpan baik-baik, jangan main ?, terserpih nanti

your loud laughter can be heard here...becareful climbing up, I feel light headed, afraid of him climbing up that ladder...keep the ? , afraid that iy might get chipped.

Above sentences was sent to me by Surie Hussein

ngelala: mengenali - recognize
asi-asi: harap-harap - anticipate
leju (lejuk): bosan - bored
ceredit: petah - eloquent, fluent
berejap : ? - ?
nyengut/berdengut : berdenyut - throbbing
aleh : alih - shift, move
bersinsin/nyinsin : memendekkan (untuk lengan baju dan seluar panjang) - to shorten ( applies to sleeves and pants)

kain baju : pakaian
berlunya' (berlunyak) : memijak atau duduk atas himpunan pakaian - to step or sit on a pile of clothes
berbada' (badak) : ? - ?
kejor :
otak(ota') buntu - brain freeze
maca : baca - read
nulis : tulis - write
cacin : cacing - worm
kesa' (kesak) : semut merah - red ant
terempas/terusu' (terusuk) : terjatuh - accidentally fell down

below are words that was captured from a chain mail and I cannot NOT put it here. The original message was hilarious. Sentences spoken in Bahasa Malaysia with mistaken Sarawak Malay words which most West Malaysians or Sabahans would feel lost or clueless as some of the words meant totally different or not in Bahasa Malaysia vocabulary. - Thanks Dayang NAS!:)

tikam: baling - throw
limpas : lalu - passes
turun : pergi - go
pasar: pekan - city/downtown
arum : termasuk - including
rat: teramat sangat - dire
lorong: ruang tamu - living room
tergeley-geley : menelentang - lay on yourback legs spread out
ikan pusu' (pusuk) : ikan bilis - anchovies
tapéh: kain sarung - sarong
selut : sempit - narrow
rami : ramai - lots of people
pengkék: kemik terhantuk - dented/flattened after been hit
saru' (saruk) : tersalah - mistaken/jumble
pesit : jentik - flick with finger
ketil :
menjentik - flick
rapéh : ramah mesra - friendly
uras :
sampah - rubbish
kupak : kupas - peel
pangkin/beranda : anjung - verandah
nyapu : sapu - sweep
cabik :
cabai - chilli
perei/peray : lerai - break up, spread
duit pecah : duit baki - loose change
gigi pelesu : gigi palsu - false teeth
bergaut : bergegas - in a hurry, rush
ahér : lewat - late
léwat : sampai hati - have a heart to
baru' kala' (baruk kalak): seseorang yang tidak pernah melihat atau berpengalaman mengenai sesuatu yang baru - a person who have never seen or exerience things like it
penambang : perahu yang digunakan untuk mengangkut penumpang menyeberangi sungai Sarawak - a boat to transport passengers to cross Sarawak River
sukut : sudut - corner
deki' (dekik) / neki'  (nekik) : panjat - climb
merancit/melancit : memancut - spurt
ketik api : nyalakan mancis - light up the match
enceri' (encerik) : rasakan - to taste
supan : malu - shy
bangsa : jenis/jenama/bangsa - type/brand/race
pelantin : sampai-sampaikan - pass it over
cernin : berkilat - shiny

contoh ayat - eg sentence:

Ya lah nemiak tok! léka nya kejeron sik tentu arah, terkenjit kenjit! Habis barang tok di lunyak di tinjak daknya! Mengambor jak! Sapa lagik nak mutit? Arap ngan kita tok, bagé lah kita tok ukoi nya!

Ni lah budak ni! Terhegeh-hegeh tak tentu hala, gatal merenyam! Habis pakaian ni dipijak-pijaknya. Berselerak! Siapa lagi yang akan mengangkatnya dari lantai? Harapkan kita, seolah-olah kita ni orang suruhannya!

Ooo...this kids! Flaunting of, I don't know what, cheeky! All the clothes has been stepped on. Very Messy! Who else will pick it up? They hope it is I, as if I am their slaves!

Above sentences was sent to me by Adi Basri

Lekak mak kamek motong, kak ya nunok rambut kamek, kamek run run serabak, nangis:(

Sepelas emak memotong dan membakar rambut saya, terus menangis dengan sekuat hari, teramat sedih.

After my mom cut and burn my hair, I was crying out so loud, so sad.

Above sentences was sent to me by Haniz Wilson
tengelup : tenggelam - sinks in
té'gin : gian- addicted
run run serabak : menangis dengan sekuat hati - crying out loud
guro: gurau - kidding
cébot / kébinét: tempat menyimpan barang, almari- a place to store things, cupboard (*from an english word cupboard? & cabinet)
melingas: melihat dan mencari, memikirkan sesuatu yang tidak diketahui - to look and search, thinking cluelessly
gasak: lantak - do as you please, pound in
milus: kecil - small in size
terbeli'ot: negkok- crooked
ngenjen: perkataan yang digunakan bila memotong rumput - a word used to mow the lawn (*from an english word engine)
kelumbu' (bekelumbuk), kumbu' (kumbuk) / bekelumbu' (bekelumbuk), berkumbu' (berkumbuk): selimut/berselimut - blanket/using a blanket (*there is a similarity with an iban word 'kumbu' - **this needs a further confirmation from my Iban friends)

pelan: menyebelahi - support side
ulu/diulu 1 : hulu/ di hulu - place further from the sea/ at a place further from the sea
ulu/diulu 2 : menemankan/ditemankan- to accompany/accompanied by
ulu/diulu 3 : galak/digalakkan - encourage/ encouraged
ngerbat: menggelepar - flounder, flutter
ngeledin: ? - ?
kerondong: mengerumuni - to gather around

...continued in part 4 >>

Bahasa Lamak Serawak tok dikumpul dari :
Bahasa Lama Sarawak ini adalah koleksi dari :
These Sarawak Classic are a collection of words are form:

Hazel Hazelina, Ariffin Kifle aka aPayne, Amla Kamal, Hj.Suhaili b. Hj Wahed Embai & Hjh Niah bt. Seman, Ayahanda Hj Bolhassan Rais & Bonda Hjh Fauziah Umar, Rashidah, Ranimah, Noraisah Hj Bolhassan; Suhaila, Bokhari & Juaini Saee; Muriyadi Basri, Hj Saee b. Adon. & Hadiah Abg Zainuddin, Haffiz Abdul Latip, Lita McPherson, Sonny Kushairi, Surie & Sarbini Hussein, Maria Shamit, Afique & Azzah Muriyadi, Dayangku Noorfazidah Awang Sh'ri, Reza Mohamad, Nurul Izzati Aveiro, Rudzaimeir Roza Malek, Zurwina Sharkawi, Alynawaty Hajmi, Dr Kamil Salem, Tina Marikan, Filzah Affendi, Susana Salleh-Weekes, Leez Rahman, Haniz Wilson, Faridah Abdul Hamid, Rafeedah Morshidi, Dayang Norazan Zain, Irma Osman, Yasmin Mae, Hamidah Ahmad, Sharifah Wahani Syed Johan, Danish Nadzmi, Sepuk (forgive me if I do not know your real name,) Mazillurza (or Azrullizam,) Amizain Al-Edrus, Roslan Misa, Zakiah Ahmat, Ramona Ariffin, N Azura Szly, Rohana Kiprawi, Hafizul Hakim, Encik Dzul, Ithnani Apandi, Habibah Norden Harvey, Abg Moasili a.k.a. Moss, Nazaruddin Hj Hamit a.k.a. Naza, Azlina Nur, Melanie Merikan...